About university:-
Pan Africa Episcopal PAE University was first Established as a College in 2013 by HIS GRACE MOST REV'D FIRE C. E. AGADA leter became a University in 2017 and was running Diploma, Bachelor's and postgraduate programs just last year 17th October 2024 was approved by the NUC as Open Episcopal University OEU the university is governor by the Council of Bishops and some are now Kings in there State Community and still acting educationally the university enrollment is very adorable by people and open to all three credit, is more than enough to gaine Admission into the institution this idea came as to work with the United Nations visions for educating the Nations of the World, we educate Communities as part of the Sustanble Development Gold SDG we believe on educating Communities in and for love, forgiveness and Tolorence . Undergraduate enrollment can be O' Lavel or OND, NCE, ND added advantage we love the family of the world